
On this page, you can see all the ranks including their perks and command access.


This is the default rank for new players.
You can only build in the plot world, and take a look at the other world.
If you would like to be able to build on the normal world, register on our site using the /register command to be promoted to the Member rank.

  • Build in the plots world.
  • Claim 1 plot.
  • /plot auto - claim a plot
  • /mvtp [plots|freebuild] - teleport to the plots or freebuild world
  • /list - see online players
  • /ptime [day/night] - change your player time
  • /time - view the current in-game time
  • /rules - view the rules
  • /motd - view the motd
  • /spawn - teleport to the spawn
  • /help [command] - show general help or command help
  • /msg [username] [message] - send a private message to another player
  • /ping - get a response from the server to check the latency
  • /tpa - request a teleport to a player
  • /tpahere - request a player to teleport to you
  • /tpaccept - accept a teleportation request
  • /tpdeny - deny a teleportation request
  • /warps [page] - view a list of all warps
  • /warp [warp] - teleport to a warp
  • /clear - clears your inventory
  • /fly - toggle fly mode
  • /gamemode [0/1/2] - change your gamemode
  • /heal - fill your health and hunger bar
  • /afk - set your status to away
  • /seen [username] - see the last time a player was online
  • /back - teleport to your last location
  • /sethome [name] - sets your home
  • /home [name] - teleport to your home
  • /delhome [name] - deletes your home


Members are players who are able to build in the freebuild world.
To get the Member rank, you must use the /register command to register on our webiste.

  • Access to all perks and commands from lower ranks
  • Build in the freebuild world.
  • /tptoggle - disable teleporting to you, that includes /tp and /tpa


Members with a total play time of 24 hours are automatically promoted to Member+.

  • Access to all perks and commands from lower ranks
  • Use water, lava, minecarts and boats in the freebuild world.


A Donator has supported the server by donating money to keep it up. Donators get some awesome rewards for that. See the list below for their extra perks and commands.

  • Access to all perks and commands from lower ranks
  • Claim 2 plots.
  • Chat with color codes
  • /setwarp [name] - create unlimited warps
  • /invsee [username] - view the inventory of another player
  • /tppos [x] [y] [z] [yaw] [pitch] - teleport to the specified coordinates
  • /skull [player] - get the skull of the specified player
  • /hdb - open an interface with useful skulls for building


A Donator+ has supported the server by donating money to keep it up. Donators get some awesome rewards for that. See the list below for their extra perks and commands.

  • Access to all perks and commands from lower ranks
  • Claim 3 plots.
  • Access to WorldEdit in the plots world!
  • /tp [username] - teleport to someone without the need of a request
  • /jump - teleport to the place you are looking at
  • /i [item] - give yourself an item with the specified name/id
  • /ignore [username] - don't receive chat messages from the specified player anymore
  • /hat - use the block you are holding as hat
  • /speed [0-10] - change your walk or fly speed
  • /more - fill the stack of items in your hand
  • /top - teleport to the highest block directly above you


A Donator++ has supported the server by donating money to keep it up. Donators get some awesome rewards for that. See the list below for their extra perks and commands.

  • Access to all perks and commands from lower ranks
  • Claim 5 plots.
  • Access to WorldEdit in the freebuild world!